Vacancy : Learning Support Assistant
Applicants are asked to provide an application form that must be fully completed and legible.
A supporting statement of no more than 2 sides of A4 (minimum font size 11), should be clear, concise and related to the specific post.
This post will be with effect as soon as possible.
Please note: Receipt of an application will be acknowledged by email. Subsequently, if you have
not been contacted within one week of the shortlisting date, you should assume that your application has been unsuccessful.
It is our policy to take up references for shortlisted applicants from their present employer and one other referee. It would greatly assist the process if you were able to supply email addresses for all the referees on your application form.
Applicants will be asked to produce original certificates for all education qualifications stated in
the application form prior to the appointment being confirmed (these will be asked for on the
first day of the interviews).
All appropriate safeguarding and attendance at work checks will be