At Baines our PSHE curriculum challenges pupils to become creative, successful and happy individuals. By focusing on three key strands, which include ‘Health and Well-Being’, ‘Living in the Wider world’ and ‘Relationships’, we aim to equip students with the skills and knowledge they will need to face current and topical issues and that will allow them to respond with resilience to future change and challenge in their personal lives and the wider world.
PSHE at Baines is the subject which prepares our students for life and work in this changing world; helping to keep them safe, healthy and boosting their life chances. Through PSHE we want our students to protect themselves and others both online and offline, improve their physical and emotional health, develop character, resilience, academic attainment and employment prospects. PSHE at Baines is delivered in regular timetabled lessons as a whole subject – from relationships & sex education to mental health, online safety to employability skills. PSHE at Baines supports our students to address the changes they are experiencing, beginning with transition to secondary school, the challenges of adolescence and their increasing independence. It also helps develop skills which will equip them for the opportunities and challenges of life as well as managing diverse relationships and the increasing influence of peers and the media.
Learning Journey

Names of staff, role & contact details
Ms S Wild
Assistant Headteacher/Subject Leader of Religion, Ethics, Philosophy & PSHE
Mr K Johnson
Teacher of History/PSHE
How and when is my child assessed?
The PHSE Department do not carry out formal assessment as this would be inappropriate due the nature of the topics and skills studied. We give feedback on work completed in books to ensure high levels of engagement and that understanding is taking place.
We would encourage you to discuss the issues that are raised during lessons. The three main themes we examine are Relationships (including sex education), Health & Wellbeing and Living in the Wider World. These three themes should help to equip the students at Baines with knowledge about their futures, decision making, ability to remain safe in different environments and how to interact with others. We also look at Careers within Personal Development and the students partake in an enterprise project once a year in KS3.
This is an excellent guide for parents about the value and importance of PSHE –
Last updated January 2025