At Baines School we pride ourselves on the fact that each student is known and know that they are known. A student’s happiness and well-being are recognised as the foundation for their success. Effective pastoral care underpins school life and there is always someone to whom the students can turn for help and advice. Every adult has a responsibility for students’ welfare and security and there are many layers of care in place.
‘Pupils said that behaviour is mostly good. Pupils told us that staff care and listen to them if they have a problem. Incidents of bullying are rare. Pupils said that staff deal with any issues ‘instantly’. Pupils value the introduction of the ‘buddy hub’. This provides good support for victims of bullying. Pupils explained to us how they take comfort form spending time with Rufus, the well-being dog. Pupils of all ages are enthusiastic about the range of clubs and opportunities on offer.’ Ofsted 2019
‘Pupils are safe and well cared for because staff are very committed to their welfare. Staff know pupils well and offer support for their emotional well-being.’ Ofsted June 2017
‘Pupils are taught to keep themselves safe and understand the risks they might face out of school.’ Ofsted June 2017
‘Pupils said that adults in school are always approachable and there to support them academically, socially and emotionally. There are strong, supportive relationships between staff and pupils. Some parents informed inspectors in detail about how staff have provided valuable support for their children.’ Ofsted June 2017
Our pastoral care system has a horizontal structure based in year groups. Students are individually valued and well-supported.
Our pastoral care system aims to promote responsible behaviour and respect for ourselves and each other. We are committed to a positive approach and , whenever possible, praise and rewards are used to motivate and encourage the students. There is a clear code of conduct which students are expected to follow at all times and this is underpinned by appropriate sanctions, as set out in the school’s discipline policy.
Students see their Progress Tutors every day in the morning for fifteen minutes. Progress Tutors have immediate access to information about students’ achievements and any incidents during the day through the school computer system.
Each year group is assigned a Progress Leader, these members of staff have overall responsibility for the efficiency and effectiveness of their Progress Tutor teams. They are also responsible with monitoring an overview of the student progress and the general welfare and behaviour of students within their year. They are the main point of contact for parents and carers who have more serious concerns about a student’s overall conduct, effort or academic progress.
The composition of the group is carefully considered and is placed under the guidance of a Progress Tutor. It is important to us that our students build strong relationships with staff and their form tutor is someone who will get to know them well. The Progress Tutor is the pupil’s personal contact in school, and, as such, will oversee his or her academic progress, personal development and well-being.
‘Across the school, respectful relationships exist between staff and pupils. Most pupils’ behaviour around school is calm. Those pupils who struggle to manage their behaviour receive timely support to improve their conduct. The proportion of pupils excluded from school for poor behaviour is reducing quickly. More pupils attend school regularly than in the past. This is also the case for disadvantaged pupils and those pupils with SEND.” Ofsted 2019
Pastoral Team
Pastoral Manager : Mrs J Moxham
Pastoral Officer : Mrs K Fisher
Pastoral Officer : Mrs L Porter
Attendance & Pastoral Officer : Mrs C Waterland-Jones
Pastoral Officer : Miss K Gallagher
Pastoral Officer : Ms E Stanley
Pastoral Officer : Mr A Moseley
Alternative Provision Manager : Mr M Spence
Contact for your Progress Leaders
Miss E Pass
Year 11 Progress Leader
Mr R Flynn
Year 10 Progress Leader
Mr I Patel
Year 9 Progress Leader
Dr A Metcalfe
Year 8 Progress Leader
Mrs S Russell
Year 7 Progress Leader
Challenge and Achievement
Baines aims to foster in its students a sense of challenge and achievement from which will develop levels of confidence and self-esteem. To this end, the school operates a rewards system as part of the Behaviour Policy.
Students receive positive points for good work, good behaviour, determination, and mature attitude through Class Charts. The points build into awards that form a structured system of certificates and badges, enabling staff to acknowledge the achievements of their pupils.
Wellbeing Dog
We have a wonderful team of pastoral staff, led by Mrs Moxham, who help our students on a day-to-day basis with support both with social and emotional needs but also supporting our students with maintaining behaviour standards and expectations. Penny is our Gold Standard therapy dog. Penny works with our students who may be struggling emotionally but she is also great with building leadership and resilience in our young people as they take part in her further training and learn commands to support Penny too!
Last updated January 2025