Highcross Road, Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancs, FY68BE
01253 883019

Governing Body


Since Baines School is a Non-denominational, Voluntary Aided Comprehensive School, the Governing Body is responsible for all aspects of school life.

The Governing Bodies duty is to act as the ‘Critical Friend’ to the school, encouraging everyone at the school to behave well and give of their best. The Governors employ all Members of Staff, and are tasked with looking after the way they conduct themselves in school and their wellbeing. This is carried out on behalf of the Governing Body, by the Finance and General Purposes Committee.

The Governors are also responsible for the financing of the school. Meeting regularly with the Senior Management Team, via its Finance and General Purpose’s committee, they review spending and authorise any capital expenditure needed to keep the school at the forefront of education in Poulton. Money is provide to the school by the Local Education Authority, which in our case is Lancashire County Council.

Additionally, the Curriculum Committee meet with the Senior Management Team to review past results and encourage strategies for improvement where subject results are not up to expectations. This is carried out by reviewing the many statistics available to the school.

Most importantly, the Governors are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of all the pupils in the school. They ensure that the pupils’ time at Baines School is enjoyable and productive.

The Chairperson of Governors is Mr Robert Hindle. Should you wish to contact them please do so through by email or contact form, putting “FAO the Governors” in the subject line.

Governor details

Foundation GovernorsAppointment DateEnd DateAppointed byDeclaration of InterestSubject/Non-Curricular Links
Mr Robert Hindle, Chair of Governors10th November 20149th November 2026FoundationEGS Consultancy –
University of Manchester
Quality of Education
Governor Training
E-Safeguarding and
Leadership & Management
Teaching & Learning
Revd. Martin Keighley2nd September 20141st September 2026FoundationGovernor at
Poulton St Chad CE Primary School, Carleton St Hilda CE Primary School, Singleton CE Primary School
Good Governance & Protocols
Mr Peter Cain1st October 201230th September 2024FoundationGovernor at Carr Head Primary SchoolPupil Premium and Disadvantage
Mrs Jan Veevers12th November 201912th November 2027FoundationNDBehaviour
Data and Outcomes
Mrs Nora Sopworth1st September 201231st August 2024FoundationNDSafeguarding
Mr Paul Sharples22nd November 201922nd November 2027FoundationBusiness Manager of Fleetwood High School
Mr Simon Boothroyd18th July 202317th July 2027FoundationNDHistory
Mr Tom Holland19th October 202318th October 2027FoundationHead of Student Services at Blackpool Sixth FormPersonal Development inc Careers and PE
Mr Paul Bamber7th November 20236th November 2027FoundationUnion house Accommodation Services ltd DirectorHealth & Safety
Mr Robert Fletcher1st September 2014Retired August 2023FoundationND
Mrs Gail YeadonLeft May 2023FoundationDeputy Principal, Blackpool Sixth Form College since June 2012
Staff GovernorsAppointment DateEnd DateAppointed byDeclaration of InterestSubject / Non-Curricular Links
Mrs Clare Doherty17th April 20232025Headteacher - Ex officioGovernor at Manor Beach Primary School
Ms Codie Clarke18th October 202327th October 2027Staff ElectionBaines School EmployeeGeography
Co-OptAppointment DateEnd DateAppointed byDeclaration of InterestSubject / Non-Curricular Links
Mrs Janet Imisson21st October 201520th October 2027NDBaines School EmployeeCreative Arts
Mr Tom Harrison6th January 20225th January 2026PHH Solicitors director and solicitor
Parent GovernorsAppointment DateEnd DateAppointed byDeclaration of InterestSubjects / Non-Curricular Links
Mr Ryan Gumley6th January 20225th January 2026Parent Gove. ElectionNDParents/Community and Mathematics
Miss Helen Dolan6th January 20225th January 2026Parent Gove. ElectionND
LEA GovernorsAppointment DateEnd DateAppointed byDeclaration of Interest
Miss A Forrest8th November 2022Left December 2023FGB = LASt Gregory’s Catholic Primary School – SBM since August 2021

ND – Nothing to Declare

Board of Governor's Attendance Record 2022-23

31-Oct 20226-Feb 20239-May 202313-Jun 20233-Oct 20225-Dec 202221-Feb 202315-May 202315-Nov 202224-Jan 20232-May 20238-Nov 202228-Feb 202320-Jun 20238-Nov 202228-Feb 202320-Jun 2023
B Fletcherxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx15
P Sharplesxxxx4
P Cainxxxxxxxxx9
J Veeversxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx15
A Chapmanxxxxxxxx8
A Forrestxxxxxxx7
T Harrisonxxx3
R Gumleyxxxxxx6
Rev Keighleyxxxxxxx7
B Cropperxxx3
H Dolanx1
J Imissonxxx3
C Dohertyxxx3
R Hindlexxxxxxxxxxx11
N Sopworthxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx16
G Yeadonxxxx4

Committee Structure and Memberships

Name of Committee or MembershipName of Members
Academy Working GroupMr R Hindle
Mrs J Veevers
Mrs N Sopworth
Curriculum, Standards and Effectiveness CommitteeMr R Hindle
Mr P Cain
Revd M Keighley
Mrs N Sopworth
Ms Codie Clarke
Mrs J Veevers
Mrs J Imisson
Mr R Gumley
Mrs H Dolan
Mr T Harrison
Mr SPV Boothroyd
Foundation Governor’s CommitteeMr R Hindle
Mr P Cain
Mr SPV Boothroyd
Mr P Sharples
Revd M Keighley
Mrs N Sopworth
Mrs J Veevers
Mr T Holland
Mr P Bamber
Pay CommitteeMr P Cain
Revd M Keighley
Mr P Sharples
Strategic Impact CommitteeMr R Gumley
Mr P Cain
Mr R Hindle
Mrs J M Veevers - Chair
Staff Attendance Discipline and Dismissal CommitteeMr R Hindle
Mr R Fletcher
Mr R Gumley
Revd. M Keighley
Mrs N Sopworth
Complaints Review CommitteeMrs N Sopworth
Revd M Keighley
Finance, General and Purposes CommitteeMr P Cain
Mr P Sharples
Mr T Harrison
Mrs N Sopworth
Mrs J Veevers
Mr SPV Boothroyd
Ms P Fellows - Business Manager
Headteacher’s Appraisal CommitteeMr R Hindle
Mrs N Sopworth
Mrs J Veevers
Pay Appeal CommitteeMr R Gumley
Mrs N Sopworth
Mrs J M Veevers
+1 untainted Governor
Pupil Discipline CommitteeMrs H Dolan
Mrs J Veevers
Mr P Cain
Revd. M Keighley
Mrs N Sopworth
Mr S Boothroyd
Mr T Harrison
Staff Appeals CommitteeMr P Cain
Mrs J M Veevers
Mr T Harrison
Miss H Dolan
Mr P Bamber
Grievance CommitteeMrs J Veevers
Mr S Boothroyd
Mr T Harrison
Full Governing BodyMr R Hindle - Chair of Governors
Mr P Cain
Miss H Dolan
Mr S Boothroyd
Mr T Holland
Mr P Bamber
Rev M Keighley
Mr P Sharples
Mrs N Sopworth
Mrs J Veevers
Ms C Clarke
Mrs C Doherty - Headteacher
Mr T Harrison
Mrs J Imisson

Last updated January 2024