Baines School Former Pupils' Association
The Former Pupils’ Association, originally the “Old Boys” is open to anyone who studied or taught at Baines School. For a mere £10 per year you can join this organisation and shape not only its direction but help the pupils of the school.
We are really proud of our Baines heritage and the diversity of pupils who studied here over the years.
The Association was founded by the Headmaster, Thomas Whittington, the Father of the School in 1906. Thomas Whittington was the man that re-created the school and many of it’s traditions were due to him. The blazer badge, the motto, speech day, and the school song to name but a few.
The stated aims of the Association are:
“Maintaining the connection between the School and its former pupils.
Promoting social interaction among the members by organising meetings or gatherings.
Publishing and circulating a register of the names and addresses of the members.
The consideration and advancement of matters of utility and interest to the School, the Association and/or its members.”
We have members in all parts of the UK and on all five continents, so you never know when you’ll bump into a member of the Baines School Family!
We produce a newsletter to keep members informed of what is happening or changing at the school. We are always keen to hear stories from Former Pupils, regarding their memories from school or information about their lives since leaving the school.
We have a specific email address for the Former Pupils Association and are hoping to increase communications via email. If you wish to contact us, please email us at FPA@baines.lancs.sch.uk.
You can also contact us at bainesalumni@btinternet.com
The FPA organises a number of social events throughout the year and is a way of staying in touch with people, meeting new friends and sharing many memories from the Baines community.
Membership of the FPA is by annual subscription (£10 per member, per year) and this covers the cost of administration. Any surplus monies are donated to the School for worthwhile projects.
Recent donations to the school have included:
- The outdoor multi gym
- Help with equipment for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme in School
Each year the FPA elects a new President and committee. They then support the developments over the following year to try to increase the membership, remember any former pupils who have sadly passed, develop social events and raise money for special projects at the school.
Meet the President 2024-25 - David Astall

Usually a new President is elected every year but due to the pandemic and its aftermath this has not been possible therefore I have been proud to have been the President since 2019.
My aim on becoming President was to improve relations with the school, which I have done to the best of my ability; improve communication by creating a website and regular newsletter and helping to develop the archive and digitise it for future generations.
I was a former member of staff at Baines for 25 years from June 1989 as well as the Secretary of the Baines Alumni, I have a great deal of knowledge about the commitment of the Baines Family.
We are entering a new phase for the FPA with many new ideas which should preserve it for the future. Please help us by joining the Association, its only £10 per year and then you will be helping both the school and preserving its history.
Current Social Events
Christmas lunch – takes place early in December at Singleton Lodge
St George’s day lunch – this takes place in mid Summer at Singleton lodge
Baines Annual Gathering – this takes place in School in late April. It includes a hot buffet
President’s BBQ – this takes lace in late August
FPA luncheon Club – held in school every month. Homemade food from the school chef
By the way Its not all eating
FPA AGM – this takes place in late April in School
Annual Golf event in association with the school
School tours – see how the school has changed since you attended
We would be open to suggestions from members of other sporting events or reunions. Just let us know.
Recent newsletter – May 2024
Baines Alumni website – FPA section
Last Updated May 2024