Highcross Road, Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancs, FY68BE
01253 883019



‘Giving students the careers information and support today, for their tomorrow’

At Baines School we are committed to ensuring that all students from Years 7 -11, have the best possible Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG). We ensure that students have access to impartial careers advice and have access to employers who can help them consider their future options.

‘The Overall vision is that through the implementation of Careers Strategy, young people are able to develop the skills and confidence to realise their potential and follow the career path which suits them best, enabling them to contribute to their community and to support social and economic prosperity.’ Department for Employment and Learning March 2016.

Careers education, information advice and guidance (CEIAG) is a progressive journey from Year 7 through to Year 11.

The aims at Baines School are:

· For students to develop positive attitudes towards study and work

· For students to evaluate their own strengths and to build in their own areas for development

· To help students fully engage in career planning

· For students to understand and develop the skills that are required to be successful in their future pathway

· To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of opportunities at key transition points and translate these effectively into appropriate decisions and actions

· To provide students with relevant careers information, advice and guidance that are suitable for their personal needs

Baines School aims to provide equal opportunities of access to careers information, advice and guidance for all students.

We aim to use student feedback to inform the development of the careers education programme

Meet our Careers Team

Baines Careers Leader is Mrs Doherty (Headteacher) 

Email Address: cdo@baines.lancs.sch.uk.

Telephone Number : 01253 883019

If you require any further information, she is happy to help. If any external providers would like to contribute to our CEIAG Programme, please contact Mrs Doherty.

Our Careers Advisor is Miss Kinder

Email Address: kki@baines.lancs.sch.uk

Miss Kinder works in school Monday to Friday from 8am until 4pm and provides independent careers advice for students and fully supports the whole careers programme at Baines School.

She works with students to advise them on Post-16 qualifications and future career paths. She works with all year groups, specifically supporting Year 9 students with selecting GCSE / Vocational options, arranging work experience for Year 10 students and working closely with Year 11 students to support them with their further education applications and college interviews. Miss Kinder is also responsible for organising careers events throughout the academic year, such as the Careers Fair, which provide valuable opportunities for students to engage with a range of employers, training providers, sixth forms and colleges

Careers programme details

Baines CEIAG programme runs throughout each year group, and is embedded in the school’s curriculum. We link our careers education information advice and guidance to the Gatsby Benchmarks, which are explicitly reference throughout the DfE’s Careers Strategy (December 2017) and the new Statutory Guidance for Careers (January 2018).

The eight benchmarks are:

1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance

Year 7 – Introductions to Careers

Intent – By the end of Year 7, students will have a greater knowledge of the career possibilities available and the opportunities to develop both their employability skills and their understanding of what careers provision at Baines School looks like. They will start to be more aware and describe themselves, their strengths and preferences, they will be able to focus on the positive aspects of their well-being, progress and achievements.

Examples of activities – Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, an international programme that helps students develop digital, enterprise and employability skills. Using a series of online challenges, students complete career enhancing badges, unlock new opportunities and ultimately, gain industry recognised awards that help students stand out from the crowd! This activity will be launched by a local digital employer to ensure the students receive a meaningful encounter.
Restart a Heart, raises awareness of cardiac arrest and trains students how to give CPR. The students will hear from InnovateHer, who aim to inspire interest into STEM subjects and are striving to change the way that STEM careers are viewed by encouraging more females to enter the industry.
Students have careers embedded within the curriculum areas. This is evaluated, to ensure that the students have knowledge around careers linked to their chosen curriculum subjects.

Year 8 – Routes to success: Raising Aspirations

Intent – By the end of Year 8, students will have a greater knowledge of what careers are and how they can be developed, they will be able to give examples of different kinds of work and why people’s satisfaction with their working lives can change. They will be able to explain how they are benefitting as a learner from careers, employability and enterprise activities and experiences. They will have a greater awareness of careers which suits their interests and will start to identify personal networks of support, and the qualities and skills that they have demonstrated both in and out of school which will help make them more employable. They can show that they can manage a personal budget and contribute to household budgets.

Examples of activities – The students will follow a version of Real Game where they pretend to be young adults (mid 20s) and have to deal with a full-time job, budgeting, paying bills and setting up a home on a limited budget. Students will hear from InnovateHer, who aim to inspire interest into STEM subjects and are striving to change the way that STEM careers are viewed by encouraging more females to enter the industry. They will participate in a Professional Panel looking at different careers and different routes into careers, for example apprenticeships.

Students have careers embedded within the curriculum areas. This is evaluated, to ensure the students have knowledge around careers linked to their chosen curriculum subjects.

Year 9 – Options and opportunities

Intent – By the end of Year 9, students will be aware of what labour market information is and how students can use it, they will be able to give examples of different business organisational structure and how it is important to stand up to stereotyping and discrimination. They will also have an awareness of laws and byelaws relating to young discrimination. They will be able to show that they can be positive, flexible and well prepared at transitional points in their life (i.e. options), and be able to explore the options open to them, so they can make plans and decisions carefully to ensure they achieve the qualifications, skills and experience they need. Students will continue to identify personal networks of support, and will be able to access and make the most of impartial face to face and digital careers information, advice and guidance. Students will recognise when they are using qualities and skills that entrepreneurs demonstrate. They will also be able to prepare and present themselves well when going through a selection process.

Examples of activities – Enterprise activities either through science or computing (iDEA), discussions around rights and responsibilities, community work and voluntary services (through Personal Development lessons and assembly opportunities). Students will have assemblies from a range of employers including InnovateHer and the Armed Forces – such as the RAF and Army. They will also have the opportunity to participate in a Meet the Professional Masterclass, where students meet a professional in an area in which they are interested, for example pilot, doctor, tattoo artist, photographer etc. They will participate in a Professional Panel looking at different careers and different routes into careers, for example apprenticeships. Students and parents will be invited to the annual Careers Fair, where they will have the opportunity to speak with a variety of employers and post-16 providers for further advice and guidance.

Year 10 – The World of Work

Intent – By the end of Year 10, students will recognise how they are changing, what they have to offer and what is important to them. They will be able to explain how they can manage their wellbeing, progress and achievements through telling their story in a positive way. They will review and reflect on how they are benefitting as a learner from careers, employability and enterprise activities and experiences. They will recognise and challenge stereotyping, discrimination and other barriers to equality, diversity and inclusion and know their rights and responsibilities in relation to this. Students will be able to explain different types of business organisational structures, how they operate and how they measure success. They will also be able to discuss the skills involved in managing their own career. They will show how these qualities and skills will help to improve employability, and that they can be enterprising in the way they learn, work and manage their career.

Examples of activities – Masterclasses with professionals, students are given the opportunity to speak to a professional in the area in which they are considering a career. Assemblies from local employers such as DWP and talks from universities such as the University of Oxford. Our Year 10 cohort participate in internal work experience, whereby we invite employers into Baines to work directly with students. Students will participate in a Professional Panel looking at different careers and different routes into careers, for example apprenticeships. Students also participate in a day’s work experience in their chosen career. For example, working with a top chef, an architect, the armed forces, public services, fashion designer, medical practitioner etc.

Click the button below for what Year 10 did on Work Experience :

Further Education Opportunities; Students will access assemblies from a range of local colleges and apprenticeship training providers. The full Year 10 cohort are given the opportunity to visit two of our local colleges for an experience day where they will sample a range of Post-16 subjects. 
Students and parents will be invited to the annual Careers Fair, where they will have the opportunity to speak with a variety of employers and post-16 providers for further advice and guidance.

Year 11 – Future Pathways

Intent – By the end of Year 11, students will be able to discuss the skills involved in managing their own career and explain how work and working life is changing and how it may impact on their own and other people’s career satisfaction. They will be able to find relevant labour market information and know how to use it in their career planning. They will be aware of their own responsibilities and rights as a student, trainee or employee for staying healthy and following safe working practices.

Students will be able to review on previous transitions to help them improve on preparing for their future moves in education, training and employment. They will continue to build their own personal networks of support including how to access and make the most of a wide range of impartial face to face and digital careers information, advice and guidance services. Students will show that they can manage financial issues related to their education, training and employment choices including knowing how to access sources of financial support that may be open to them. They will be able to research education, training, apprenticeship, employment and volunteering options including information about the best progression pathways through to specific goals. They will be able to make plans and decisions carefully including how to solve problems and deal appropriately with influences on them, and know their rights and responsibilities in a selection process and strategies for how to improve their chances of success.

Examples of activities – Students and parents will be invited to the annual Careers Fair, where they will have the opportunity to speak with a variety of employers and post-16 providers for further advice and guidance.

All students will receive a one to one independent careers guidance appointment with the schools Careers Advisor to discuss career plans and progression routes. The students will also be given advice completing their application forms for college and preparing for a college interview.
All Year 11 students will participate in a one to one mock interview with an employer, where they will be asked to present a CV for review and will gain interview skills and tips.
These are just examples of the opportunities which are embedded into our careers programme. Careers also runs throughout our curriculum and we participate in other additional opportunities as they arise, previous examples include Year 7, 8 and 9 students were offered the opportunity to visit Chester Zoo and look at careers, a Dissection Masterclass lead by our own science department, and a cohort of Year 8 girls accessed a STEM workshop at the Nautical College

7IDEA Bronze Award
RAF and Air Cadet Assembly
Restart a Heart
8STEM event for girls at Nautical College
IDEA Silver Award
Professional Panel
9Post 16 Careers Fair
Masterclasses with Professionals
Duke of Edinburgh
Professional Panel
IDEA Gold Award
Encounters with FE providers to support options
Independent Careers Advisor Interviews
10Post 16 Careers Fair
Masterclasses with professionals
Duke of Edinburgh
Restart a Heart
Professional Panel
Apprenticeship Assembly
Work Experience
T Level Assembly
Experience Day at 6th Form or B&FC
11Post 16 Careers Fair
Masterclasses with professionals
Apprenticeship Assembly
Employer Mock Interviews
Blackpool 6th Form Assembly
Blackpool and Fylde College Assembly
T Level Assembly
Independent Careers Advisor Interviews

Useful Links

Careers Connect – https://careerconnect.org.uk/

Profile Quiz (find out what you enjoy) – https://icould.com/buzz-embed/

Apprenticeship Routes – https://www.notgoingtouni.co.uk/

NHS Careers – https://www.healthcareers.nhs.uk/

Careers, Education and Student Life – https://www.brightknowledge.org/

Careers in Construction – https://www.goconstruct.org/

Careers in Maths and Science – https://www.stem.org.uk/resources/collection/3338/future-morph

Careers in Engineering – https://www.tomorrowsengineers.org.uk/

GCSE, A-Levels, Apprenticeships and University – https://www.studential.com/

National Careers Service – https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/explore-careers

How 2 become – https://www.how2become.com/ – The UK’s leading careers and educational information and development website. From here, you can learn how to write a CV, how to complete an application form, how to pass psychometric tests and also how to pass any job interview.

Lancashire Careers Hub – Labour Market Information for Lancashire. https://lancashirecareershub.co.uk/resource/portal-lancashire-careers-information/